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Nobi Smart Lamp

Nobi Demonstration Kit

What does Nobi Do?

Care & Comfort

  • Fall detection
  • Alarm function with front door release
  • All prevention: soft lighting when getting in and out of bed in and out of bed detection with notification for healthcare personnel
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Active assistance through links: calendar, medication reminders, exercises
  • Monitors parameters
  • Sleep reporting
  • Dashboard and link to healthcare record


For Home Use

  • Nobi will notice when an inhabitant falls and asks if everything is okay. If not, she calls a family member or one of their trusted contacts
  • Through the lamp, they can talk to them without a telephone
  • Nobi will even open the front door when required

For Residential Care Centre or Service Flat 

  • When residents fall, staff are notified
  • Integrates with blood pressure monitors
  • Automated lighting when resident rises from the bed 
  • Measures room temperature or air quality continuously

Affordable Technology

Nobi smart lights can be purchased or rented. An investment in this technology can save costs, directly or indirectly. Just think of other devices, installations, unnecessary interventions by caregivers or even a hospitalisation.

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Nobi Demonstration Kit

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Features & Benefits

Integrates with Care Equipment/Records

  • App - User-friendly and Intuitive App for Contacts

The app can be used to indicate who should be phoned in case of an emergency, whether the door can be opened, and to monitor parameters such as room temperature and air quality.

  • Integrations - A Clear Dashboard for Caregivers

Nobi can be linked to healthcare record and emergency numbers and supports fixed and portable panic buttons. Care equipment such as thermometers, blood pressure monitors and scales can be integrated via Bluetooth. Thanks to the dashboard, caregivers get a clear overview of the status of each resident.

Easy Installation

  • Easy installation without additional wiring: the ceiling lamp is replaced by Nobi or Nobita.


  • Automatic and appropriate lighting
  • Monitors air quality
  • Automatically switches alarm/safety lock on or off
  • Hands-free, two-way communication with family, friends and caregivers
  • Privacy proof timeline

What does Nobi provide?

  • Fall prevention 

Nobi will detect whether a resident is leaving his or her bed at night. At that moment the lights will turn on so the resident doesn’t get disoriented and has clear sight.

  • Night watch

When rather immobile residents leave their beds at night, the caregivers are notified. It is possible to alarm the staff when residents are worryingly long at the toilets or when residents exit their flats or rooms at night.

  • Air quality monitoring

Nobi constantly monitors the air quality and room temperature and notifies you in case of decreased air quality values so that you can open the windows.

  • Smoke detection

In case Nobi detects smoke, she will make the lights flash, emit an alarm sound and warn your trusted contacts.

  • Care record

Nobi can be linked with the health care record of the resident in a residential care centre or service flat. By doing so, double input is avoided and a clean transfer of Nobi’s parameters like blood pressure, temperature and weight is easier than ever.

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SKUNobi Demonstration Kit
Medicinal ProductNo

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